
Veterans Claims Help

downloadJust in time for the almost-gone  stage 4 (Metavir) Heppers of my era, the VA is apparently snapping up Harvoni at $867 a pill. That’s down from the official price charged Multicare and Franciscan of $1187.00 each. The best news is everyone’s making it to the far shore (remission or SVR). In the latest trial results of 1A and 1B, Harvoni licked the plate. One fell out of the 20 in the first study to autoimmune issues. The second group of 20 lost none. 

In what was always a harsh, debilitating battle against 1A and 1B, Heppers with it had to run the gauntlet with the hope, at best, of a 39% success rate using Interferon and Ribavirin. Nevertheless, VA doctors would tell you it was in the high 60s. Some went through the process again with no better results. Another  member here did it three times  with no luck. What…

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  1. man Ill tell ya …it came just in time because I have only a couple of years left on this donor liver. I’m begining to feel the way I did before transplant. I just want to thank you for having this site for all of us .I has saved my life nod.thank you . If I get cured ,(that’s a big IF) i will be able to go another 20 years. I go to spokane for drug therapy on the 11th .This guy that interviewed me asked me all the questions they ask when you put in a claim. was he an examiner for the claim ? do they have to tell you they are. He asked about drug use, prostitutes ., and such. do they ask you these questions before they give you said drug therapy?

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